Premium Outlets Querétaro
Querétaro. In Operation.
The Premium Outlets Querétaro project represents not only a new retail site but establishes a mixed-use complex that also aims to function as a catalyst of economic development for the Querétaro urban region.
Use Retail
Year 2019
Designed by
GLA 25,925 sqm
Occupation 82%
Designed by

A master plan was designed, divided into two phases and five typologies of use. The site for the project required the merging of 12 lots located on the Querétaro-Celaya highway.
The master plan projects internal roads to separate different uses and structure the complex. The Outlet retail project is inserted at the center of the site as the guiding axis, distributing the other uses: Power Center, Hotel, Housing and Industry.
Specifically, the Outlet building covers 32,600 m² for rent with 174 retail stores, two food courts, green areas and parking. With a clean formal language that suits the local architectural character, the design is arranged into two series of regular bodies that are positioned almost equidistant from the site boundaries. These in turn comprise four interior volumes and a central patio for events. The parking surrounds the retail area, with three access points.

Inside the Outlet center, users can enjoy an open-air pedestrian area, with circulations protected by pergolas along the principal route. This is further accompanied by extensive green areas, water pools and decks, making it a pleasant, open and inclusive space. To help users to orient themselves, six “totem poles” of different sizes were created.
The choice of materials was based on a warm palette of stone and wood hues to establish a timeless appearance and welcoming surroundings, which fits in well with the local architecture.

Contact Information
Oscar Huaita
+52(55) 5886 2685
Facebook: @premiumOutletsQueretaro
Twitter: @premoutletsqro
Carretera Querétaro – Celaya Km. 6.3, C.P.76904, Corregidora Querétaro, Querétaro